A sad day for monsters everywhere

I just saw the news that Forrest J. Ackerman died the other day.  Most of the world is no doubt unfamiliar with this man.  For monster movie fans, he was the king.  He produced ‘Famous Monsters of Filmland’ magazine, had a massive collection of monster artifacts, and coined the term ‘sci-fi.’  He was also a very kind and giving person, allowing thousands of fans to come into his home and see his collection.Forrest J. Ackerman and some friends

He held a Famous Monsters convention in NYC many years ago.  I was lucky to attend.  It was a great event, unlike the Star Trek convention I went to shortly after (the first one).  After the Famous Monsters event, I was an even bigger fan.  After the Star Trek convention, I couldn’t even stand to watch the show for several years.

I didn’t know him personally, but will miss knowing that ‘Forry’ was still around.