Powerful ads don’t have to be filled with sales copy

Advertising is often necessary when running a buisness. There are a lot of ads surrounding us these days that you don’t even realize. Almost anytime a product is mentioned in a TV show or movies these days, it is a paid ad. Even when it is in the background of a scene as on a billboard the characters are driving by.

People don’t believe most ads anymore and have blinders on when the advertising is in their face. So, more subtle methods are used also. When something is advertising a product or service that you need, and it is a good product, an ad can be useful. It is when it is shown to the wrong people, or for a bad product that advertising is a bad thing. I’m sure you’ve seen ads, then later on wanted something like that product, and gone back to wherever you saw it to look for the ad again. Not such a bad thing when that happens for you or for the advertiser.

The ads that seem to often work best these days are the subtle ones. For example, if you can give out information to your clients or prospects that is useful to them, it helps advertise your business. You don’t have to be selling anything in the information. And it can be really powerful because it positions you in their minds as the person who knows the most about the topic. So, when they have a need for what you sell, they are likely to remember you and come to you for it, even if your price is higher than the competition.

This information can be given out as a handout in your office, an article you write for a newspaper or magazine or as a newsletter. Handouts will only get to a limited number of people. Newspaper and magazine articles you don’t really have control over. Newsletters are generally the best method, as you keep complete control. Not only of the content, but when it is delivered, the look of it, and the frequency. If you don’t have a newsletter for your business, you should consider starting one. It can give a great return on the money spent.